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April 2024 Update

Posted 15 days ago by Christen Standiford

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Hello APRNCCG Members!

We had an excellent meeting this month at GSU - Armstrong campus. This meeting was sponsored by the APRNCCG and included a delicious Italian dinner! We had a large turnout of members and guests both in person and online via zoom - thank you everyone for coming!

This meeting's topic was a Policy and Legislative Update + Guidance for the New APRN. Dr. Nancy Hurlock, President of the UAPRN, was in attendance and spoke to our members about the hard work the UAPRN does for Georgians in an effort to improve access to care and remove unnecessary restrictions on APRNs. Kelly also provided a policy update regarding what bills passed through legislative session and are pending signature by Governor Kemp, and what is still in process.

Christen presented information related to the complex steps required in order to be a licensed and practicing APRN in Georgia. This was relevant to our Policy and Legislative discussions as Georgia has unique requirements beyond that of other states. In attendance were several guests, including soon to be graduated APRN students and members who are new to Georgia. 

Our next meeting will be on Thursday, May 9, at Starland Yard in Savannah. This is our highly anticipated Nurses Week family and friends get together! This will be an informal drop in event to celebrate our members. The APRNCCG will be sponsoring the food portion for our active members and their guests. We will also be holding a drawing for several great items - more on that to come in the next week or so, but please save the date!

We began passing out the Nurses Week APRNCCG t-shirts at our April event, and will bring them as well to our upcoming May event, along with some other gifts for our members. If you want to get your t-shirt early, please let Christen know and we'll be happy to coordinate this with you!

Thank you as always for the great work you do for our patients and community - see you soon!


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